Healthy juices is enjoyed around the world, it’s a controversial beverage. When it comes to its healthiness, many people are divided. Some argue that it’s too high in sugar, while others champion its high nutrient content Healthy juices.
1. Cranberry
Tart and bright red, cranberry juice offers many benefits.
A single cup (240 ml) of cranberry juice provides:
- Calories: 116
- Protein: 1 gram
- Carbs: 31 grams
- Fiber: 0.25 grams
- Sugar: 31 grams
- Potassium: 4% of the Daily Value (DV)
- Vitamin C: 26% of the DV
- Vitamin E: 20% of the DV
- Vitamin K: 11% of the DV
Cranberry juice is known for its ability to protect against urinary tract infections (UTIs). Though research on this effect has been mixed, a recent review found that drinking cranberry juice lowered the risk of getting a UTI by 32.5%.UFABET
This juice is also high in antioxidants, including anthocyanins, flavonols, procyanidins, and vitamins C and E. Which may help protect your cells from damage caused by free radicals.
2. Tomato
Tomato juice is not only a key ingredient in Bloody Marys but also enjoyed on its own as a delicious and healthy drink.
While many people consider the tomato to be a vegetable due to its culinary uses. It’s biologically a fruit. Still, many companies classify tomato juice as a vegetable juice due to its flavor and low sugar content.
One cup (240 ml) of tomato juice provides :
- Calories: 41
- Protein: 2 grams
- Carbs: 9 grams
- Fiber: 1 gram
- Sugar: 6 grams
- Folate: 12% of the DV
- Potassium: 11% of the DV
- Vitamin A: 6% of the DV
- Vitamin C: 189% of the DV
- Vitamin E: 5% of the DV
- Vitamin K: 5% of the DV
Tomato juice is particularly high in vitamin C, a potent antioxidant that supports iron absorption and promotes skin and immune health.

It’s also a good source of lycopene, a carotenoid and antioxidant that gives tomatoes their red color. In fact, 80% of dietary lycopene is reported to come from tomato juice, spaghetti sauce, or pizza sauce.
Lycopene may lower your risk of heart disease and stroke. For example, one review linked increased intake of lycopene to a 13% lower risk of heart disease.
However, tomato juice can be very high in salt, a mineral that can increase blood pressure when consumed in excess. Considering that most people consume too much salt, try to select low-sodium options when possible
3. Beet
Beet juice has gained popularity in recent years due to its associated Healthy juices benefits.
This colorful juice is made by blending beets and water.
One cup (240 ml) of beet juice provides:
- Calories: 70
- Protein: 1 gram
- Carbs: 18 grams
- Fiber: 1 gram
- Sugar: 13 grams
It’s relatively low in sugar, as most vegetables are naturally lower in sugar than fruits.
What’s more, beets are a great source of betalains. Which are pigments that give the vegetable its deep-red color. They act as potent antioxidants, potentially lowering your risk of heart disease, inflammation, and certain types of cancer.
Beet juice is also high in inorganic nitrates. Which have been shown to increase athletic performance and decrease blood pressure and heart disease risk.
Still, keep in mind that the inorganic nitrate content of beet juice depends on the variety and growing conditions of the vegetable. As well as the processing method.
Since the nitrate content is not listed on most labels. It’s difficult to know to what extent drinking beet juice will provide nitrate-related benefits.